Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cultural Exercise

First off, thanks for all the emails! I LOVE getting them. Time has been a little limited in Beijing, cause we want to get out and do everything...but I am hoping that tomorrow on the 4.5 hour train ride north I can get some sent out, or sometime shortly after getting to Shenyang. So, I just wanted to say I've been getting the emails, loved hearing from everyone, and will reply soon. :)

The last few days in Beijing have been awesome! We have all very much enjoyed traipsing around the city, trying to get by on our non-existent Mandarin and the limited phrase book that we have, seeing the sights and getting a large dose of an unfamiliar culture.

A few highlights have been...
*Exploring Tienanmen Square at sunrise.
*Going out to a hot-pot restaurant for lunch, walking in, and have everyone just stare at each other...completely clueless of how to order or what to do. Thankfully, there was an English menu for us tourists and we had a great meal. [I am regretting not learning how to use chopsticks sooner!]
*Being a minority, getting to wander alleys, look for ATMs and just smile and nod when people try to explain things to me. I can't wait for Mandarin lessons when we get to Shenyang!
*Today, we spent all day exploring the Great Wall. It was a 3 hour drive out to Jinshanling, and then an 8K hike across the wall to Simatai, and a 3 hour drive back, but it was amazing. It was a great workout, that's for sure, but it was absolutely beautiful scenery, overwhelming to realize how much culture and history was around us, and a great time to just be with other people and get to experience something so unique.

Lindsey, Shaun and I hiking along the Great Wall.

It's been a good cultural exercise being here...adjusting to a culture so very different than my own. As we head out of Beijing early in the morning tomorrow, it seems somewhat surreal that I am not headed back to Portland/Phoenix to share all of these stories that we already have with everyone. I am both excited and anxious to get to Shenyang, and I am sure I will have lots more to tell you about settling down into what will be life for the next 6 months. I miss you guys. I hope everyone has a good New Years Eve..crazy that it is 2009! Lots of love.

1 comment:

  1. Mollie - what a great day and great experience. It sounds like you are doing sooooo much. The pictures are beautiful. Hope your trip to Shenyang was good. We are loving your blogs and I have been laughing for a couple days over Tim's comment!

    Love you tons! Dad
