Monday, December 1, 2008

Lots to be thankful for..

Thankful: Conscious of benefit received. (Merriam-Webster).

After this weekend, I realized there is a lot that I am thankful for..
..Lots of encouraging emails and texts in response to letting people know I am moving to China.
..Getting to spend the last few months enjoying the fall weather that only the Pacific Northwest can offer.
..Meeting awesome people up here, and some of whom I get to travel to China with.

..Spending various weekends with long-time friends that either came up from Tempe, or down from Seattle and Spokane (and seeing one somewhere in the middle).
..Knowing that the day I get back from China I get to spend the following two weeks with my sister and brother-in-law.
..The adventures to come, the lessons to be learned, people to be met, and the opportunities to be taken in the coming months in Shenyang.
..And mostly, getting to spend the last three months with my parents.

I am sure that I have intruded on their empty-nester lifestyle, and sure we get on each other's nerves, but in the last three months they never ceased to be gracious, make all my favorite food, and overly sure that I am ok and have everything I need. I am very thankful for all that they have always, and continue to do for me.

Maybe this minute blog post could show a fraction of that gratitude.

1 comment:

  1. awww I went to the happy place and got that fuzzy feeling reading your post...

    Love you!
