Monday, December 29, 2008

Better Internet..

The internet is working better today, so I figured, while I had the chance that I would upload some pictures from the first day in Beijing. Our hotel is right behind the night markets, so last night we wandered the around and street food from the market for dinner.

Food stalls at the night market.

Today, we had planned on going to the Great Wall...well, we never found the infamous bus number 6 that would've taken us there. But, we did master the subway system, explore random parts of Beijing that we would've never found, ate an awesome lunch at a food court we stumbled into for less than $3 each, had an indescribable browse through the Wal-Mart Super Center, and spent the afternoon at the Olympic Park. All in all, it was a great day and I am definitely excited to spend New Years Eve here and head up to Shenyang on the 1st.

Shaun and I in front of the Bird's Nest at Olympic Park.

It's been a blast to just be here, I feel like I am walking around like a child in a toy store, wide-eyed and trying to take everything in. It is so great to get to experience such a unique culture.

Hope you guys have a good New Years!


  1. So fun! We were so glad to hear that you made it safe and sound. Have fun exploring!

  2. Hi Mollie, Nice to see all this and I will check it out regularly. Glad you are there safe and sound and having a wonderful time. Glad you are feeling better too. Happy New year to you sweetie. Love, Aunt Chris

  3. WHAT??!!? you went to walmart? what's china doing to you? have you quit recycling also? stay strong mollie!

    Glad y'all made it!

  4. Haha my first thought reading this was the exact same as Tim's...MOLLIE WENT TO WAL-MART? What is the world coming to?
