Saturday, September 19, 2009

Quick Post

Hey all...the internet is amazingly slow again this morning, one of the perks of traveling overseas, but I thought I would just post real quickly.

After walking around the city for nearly 5 hours yesterday, we have grown to really enjoy Hanoi with all of the scooters, horns, people selling stuff on the streets, lakes, and all that it has to offer. The city is a real 'hustle and bustle', and always on the move. It was nice to relax a bit last night and just sit back and watch the people and the city move around us.

Later today, we are heading southeast to a town called Ninh Binh (said, Ning Bing). It is supposed to be a lot smaller of a town, surrounded by rice paddies and limestone cliffs, so says my Lonely Planet guidebook. I will let you know what it is like once we are there! We plan to rent bicycles and just spend the day seeing and being in the town and interacting with locals and the area. I am very excited to see the smaller, country, side of Vietnam.

That's all from me now. Talk to you again soon.