Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Always an adventure!

For dinner tonight, we though it would be a good change of pace to cook fish instead of chicken or beef. And, as most things are in China, it was an adventure!

To begin, It was a challenge to order the fish. Due to repetition, I have managed to learn how to order beef, ground beef, and chicken breast. But, tonight was a bit of a vocab challenge. We managed to get two small white fish of some kind...the kind is still to be determined.

If you know me well, you know I am a little hesitant to even cut raw chicken, so getting a live fish and watching it be caught and killed, (or walking out of the fish stand while it happened), having Shaun gut it at home, and then finding a way to bake it, was more than I was used to. Haha.

The Chinese are a lot more resourceful and eat all parts of the animal, so there were lots of 'extras' that we didn't need. Once we (by we, I mean Shaun, while Lindsey and I took pictures and watched and gawked) got it home, cleaned it all out and rinsed it...the fish kept moving! What the heck?! Even without a head, too!

After cooking it, the verdict is not too bad. I am not sure that it is necessarily something we will be doing all that often! These adventurous Tuesday nights will always make China memorable!


  1. after reading this post: i am very glad i'm still an avid non-fish eater. thank you for reinforcing this Mollie.

    gross... :)

  2. Dude...the eyeballs are a delicacy...I am sure you didn't let those go to waste! ;-)

  3. Mollie, I was really expecting something a lot worse than that fish. That looks like a very large trout. :) You should have seen the fish Rick and I had in Melbourne. It was very pink, with huge, huge eyes staring at us from the plate. Love reading your blogs. Keep them coming.

  4. Time for another blog!!!

