Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Sum of All the Parts

[Blogger has officially been blocked in China, so, a good friend of mine is kindly posting these for me. So, these next few weeks may be slower to write than normal.]

I feel like there are so many parts, decisions, endings and beginnings happening simultaneously right now, that the mix of emotions and events seems to blend together to a neutral where you can just enjoy it all.

Endings. Five weeks from tomorrow I will be leaving China. I can’t believe how fast time has gone and how, at the same time, coming to China seems like a distant memory. The time here has truly been a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I have fallen in love with people, both Americans and Chinese, that I didn’t know before, the culture, Shenyang, and the crazy quirks that you only find in China. I know that the true ending will come in five more weeks, and it will be more than hard to say goodbye, but this season has been one that I will cherish for a long time to come.

Events. The to-do list of things to buy, see, and do, before I go seems to be growing everyday. The days lately have been filled with warm weather, celebrating lots of birthdays (the group picture is everyone celebrating Andrew’s 21st birthday), exploring different parts of the city, going on shopping trips for shorts or gifts to send home, and making American dinners to use up the seasoning packets that our parents have sent us. It has been really fun to ‘cross off’ things from the list with other friends. There are still many events to look forward to as well…this weekend we are going to the beach down of Dalian (where there is an amusement park!)! And then in June, we have an intern day trip set aside where we are planning on going rafting down a river and even more, a girls weekend trip to Benxi (said Ben-she) Water Caves and to see a different portion of the Great Wall in Dandong. Even though the time is winding down, there is lots to do and see!

Decisions. With five weeks to go, I am still looking forward to the future. Thanks to my Mom, I have gotten appointments set up to complete the Peace Corps paperwork that is waiting for me as soon as I get back to Portland. I find myself reading articles about Africa, and always just wondering, dreaming, and praying, about what that adventure and season of life will be like.

Beginnings. It seems odd that at the end of a chapter there would be a new beginning, but this wouldn’t be life if things didn’t end and begin at the same time. Since Saturday’s are by far the busiest day at Langston, and all of us interns work and finish around the same time, Josh started a new tradition of going to Daxi (said Da-she) night market to enjoy a warm night, beer and street food together. A pitcher of beer is less than $1, food on a stick is less than 20c, and all of us trying to learn a Chinese dice game is always entertaining. We had a really good time sitting out together for a few hours at the market, and am I sure this is a tradition that all of us will want to keep up until we go home.

The sum of all the parts is simply this; unforgettable and amazing.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Here is the latest photo album:


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Adventure..Changes..Peace Corps..

Earlier this week, a group of us went to the Expo Center in Shenyang. It is a large botanical garden that has many different gardens from different regions in China and different countries of the world. The gardens were cool, but that wasn't the best part! There was a large water park where there were many obstacles of how to get across the water - all with the intention of you falling in. There were rope swings, barrels, tires that sank as soon as you stepped on them, team ones where all four of us had to work together to avoid the water and many other different things. It's always fun to get out and play and be active for a day! In addition to the gardens and the water activities, there were rides. Oh, how I love rides. We went on the 'crazy train', where I was too small for the seatbelt and was tossed around in my seat the whole time. Bruises and all, Chinese rollercoasters are so fun! We were all exhausted and worn out by the end of the day, but it was definitely a really good day. A special thanks to the students who took us there and showed us around all day!

Changes. It seems there have been so many changes lately, and so many more to come in the next few weeks.

I don't know how many of you I have told, but I got nominated to a position in the Peace Corps last week. The position is business advising in a French-speaking country in Africa leaving in June of 2010. After thinking about it a lot, praying about and it talking to many people...I am going to pursue going into the Peace Corps. This is my dream job, and something I have been hoping would happen for a few years now.

This means that I will not be coming back to China to teach for another year, and leaves me with 6 more weeks in Shenyang. Even though I am so excited about the opportunity to do economic development in Africa, it seems that my 'plan' for the next few years dramatically changed...Asia to Africa. There is so much more I want to do in China, and I know these last few weeks will be filled with many more adventures with those of us here.

(Jensen, in the middle, and the guys in Dalian.) Today is Jensen's last day in China. He is heading back to the US for his graduation from Brown and to go on to medical school there (smarty pants). It is weird to think that as a group, we are beginning to go our own ways and all we did here together is starting to end. We have definitely had a ton of fun together exploring China and hanging out in Shenyang, and will definitely miss Jensen's quirky and witty comments that make us all laugh. I am sure these next few weeks will be filled with many 'lasts' but I know all of us have enjoyed the time we have had together in Shenyang.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Philippines!

I was lucky enough to get to spend 8 nights in the Philippines and definitely enjoyed the sun, beach, and relaxing. We indulged on western culture; we are adapted to Asian culture and adding English was a huge bonus to us! It truly did feel like we were home...even though we were still in Asia!

We spent the first two nights in Manila, where we fully enjoyed western food chains for super cheap and watching a movie in the theater again! The second day, we ventured out to Splash Island, which is a water park about an hour outside of Manila. Because my Manadarin is still so limited, its hard to find out how to get to new places in China, so it was nice to be able to ask how to get to Splash Island. We had a good time riding down water slides and floating in innertubes on the lazy river!

(After laying out all day, before going out to dinner.)
Then, we headed to Cebu City...on a different island from Manila. We spent a night in the city and explored around there. There was definitely a different, smaller, feel than Manila, and it was cool to check it out. We layed out on the grass and watched a huge thunderstorm!

We then spent the next chunk of time in Moalboal and Panagsama Beach, which was about a 3 hour bus ride from Cebu City. We stayed right on the 'beach' (even though it was a very short beach and shorter than what we were used to in the US), layed out, read English magazines, drank mango shakes and relaxed. At night, the beach turned into tide pools at low tide, so we would go explore and look around at the starfish, fish and coral that was in the tide pools. It was pretty cool! During the day, I managed to get a pretty good sunburn too!

(On the river trek!)
For the next two days, we decided to be adventurous. :) My favorite day for sure was when we went on a river trek! We took some random cargo truck (at least that's what I thought it was!) out to Kawasan falls, a very popular and tourist destination. We hiked past the falls for awhile and then hoped in the water. From here, we swam out in a canyon, under the jungle and climbed up waterfalls, cliff jumped, swam till the next fall, climbed some more, and repeated the process. It was amazing! So beautiful; clear water, tons of water falls, the jungle all around, and just a beautiful view everywhere you looked. When we finished the trek, there was a huge Philippino meal waiting for us - fish, chicken, pork, potatoes and rice all cooked over a fire with a traditional Philippino sauce. Delcious. We definitely had a blast this day!

The next day, we continued the adventure, haha, and went SCUBA diving! Neither of us had been SCUBA diving before, so we did discover diving. They taught us the essentials in the shallower water of the ocean and then headed out to dive for 45 miniutes or so. It was awesome, we were on this cliff of coral to one side and then the other was just blue ocean. We dove down till around 10m and saw tons of fish, all colors and all sizes, and very different sizes and colors of coral. It was really amazing. (The view of the ocean and overlooking restaurants in Panagsama beach.)

Then, we had to head back to Cebu to fly back. We enjoyed getting to see the new release of Wolverine and eat one last American meal: pizza! It was a very relaxing, fun and memorable vacation!

Now, back to school. It is fun to be back with everyone and I am looking for Lindsey and Chelsey getting back from their travels so we can all hang out and share stories and pictures!

Here are some pictures:
Pictures from the countryside and last month or so in Shenyang:
The Philippines: